Hollandia Yoghurt Fino Pack and Evap Milk Activation
Project: HY Fino Pack Activation
Objective: Increase Awareness, Increase market share, connect with TAs by product sampling and increase sales of the products.
Scope: Lagos, Warri, Benin, Jos.
Achievements: No of Activations - 526
Total Reach – About 330,000
Total Sampling – 85,200
Total Reach – About 330,000
Total Sampling – 85,200
Touch Points: Markets & Primary/Junior Secondary Schools
Duration: 1 month

Nexus Activation
Project: Nexus Electronics Activation (LAGOS) & Nexus Kano Activation
Objective: Store and Brand Awareness, Product Education, Consumer Engagement, Promo Awareness and Flier Engagement & Sales Generation.
Town storm activation to drive traffic to the Nexus Store Ajah, thus initiating sales.
Customers were incentivised for product purchase
Touch Points: Store Outlet & Neighborhood (Lagos) |
Neighborhood, Open Market, Specialized Markets (Kano).
Duration: 2 weeks (Lagos) & 11 days (Kano)